If your organization is looking for a speaker, workshop leader, or a memoir writing instructor, please contact me at or go to midsummer books.
I've written 14 books and over 90 articles covering a wide and eclectic range of topics and genres, including politics, sports, romance, philanthropy, adventure travel, and the craft of memoir writing. I've been a featured guest on over 150 radio/TV/podcast shows. I have taught an Honors Program course at Butler and Marian Universities about the philosophy of philanthropy, as well as classes on nonfiction writing at Indiana Writers Center and the culture of Nepal for the IUPUI Continuing Ed Program and Oasis.
Examples of student responses:
You are a great coach and I am lucky to have you helping me fulfill a goal. JG
Thank you for conducting an excellent workshop on Saturday. I'm encouraged and am more in tune with the point and purpose of my memoir and have more options of how to write it. JV
You taught me not to fear and I had a story to tell. Now, I'm teaching a memoir workshop for ... CE
He was really good at leading discussions that forced me to think deeply and in ways I previously had not. He was very approachable and I appreciate his humor and kindness towards students and overall passion and dedication for what he does. BU student evaluation
Professor Rasley was awesome. I loved how personal his connection to the philanthropic world was and his personal experiences were incredible to learn about and apply to the situation. His use of the text and discussion based format is great and I really liked him as a person. His humor and personality made Thursday much more interesting and I loved having him! BU student evaluation
Example of a TED Talk I gave: (at Fishers High School)
Examples of live-streamed video interviews: Mission Evolution with Gwilday Wiyaka, "Making a Difference" Write or Die Show about mental health and dealing with depression and the suicide of close friends, and 72 Wisdoms Grief, Rebirth + Healing Podcast Author Groupie, includes short reading from Anarchist, Republican... Assassin Interview about philanthropy, writing, and You Have to Get Lost before You Can Be Found
Sample Podcasts & Radio Guest Interviews:
This is an R-rated podcast for language in which we discuss why law school sucks, marriage doesn't, and exercise and travel can improve mental health.
A podcast on the Superpower Network about how to live a meaningful life based on the book 72 Wisdoms
A conversation about finding meaning through solitary physical and spiritual disciplines combined with community involvement on Super Power Experts
A podcast with J.A. Plosker about personal-spiritual growth on The Nobody Guide to Life show
Talk with Diana Todd-Banks in Queensland, Australia about the inspiration for my first Himalayan trek and first book
Interview on NPR-WFYI about teaching Memoir Writing
The Humanist Hour: Jeff Rasley on Being Godless and Living a Valuable Life beyond Beliefs
I was a guest on Russell Sureth's show, "Spiritual Fizz", to talk about the contrasting cultures of the US & Nepal, and how we work, play, and engage in spirituality differently.
Britany Felix did a 2-episode podcast with me on her Living
Unconventionally show about unconventional travel and the creation of the Basa
Village Foundation: From Hitchhiking the U.S. to Hiking the Himalayas –
Part 1
From Hitchhiking the US to Hiking the Himalayas – Part 2
Interview on "Different Strokes" talking with host David Clarke about what makes a real hero, skeptical agnosticism and spirituality, the great American philosophy of pragmatism, and the mission of the Basa Village foundation to engage in culturally sensitive development in Basa Nepal:
Discussion with Billy Powell on "Keeping the Nostalgia Alive": "Author Jeff Rasley joins us to discuss his book on Goshen native, Indiana All-Star, and Indiana University basketball Hoosier - John Ritter. What an amazing and informative read. Don't you sometimes hear a name and wonder what became of them?"
Can the Church and Religions remain relevant in an increasingly secular culture? Points of Inquiry Aussie interviewer talks with author Jeff Rasley about why "beliefs divide us while values unite us":
Podcast of The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo about "philanthro-trekking" and living life as an adventure:
"Authors Talk About It" podcast/interview with Janelle Alex at
Examples of guest blogs:
Writers Connect guest blog about memoir writing
Cross-Country Road Trip During the Pandemic
Conscious Discussions Blogspot, guest blog/interview with Dave & Lillian Brummett at
Bucket List Travel Club "You have to get lost before you can be found" at part1 part 2