Who Can We Help? Coaching Services by Jeff & Alicia Rasley d/b/a Midsummer Books
We can help any writer at any stage of the writing process. For novice writers who need help to develop a process, we can provide coaching and editing services. Similar services are available for experienced and published authors targeted to the level of the author's experience level.
If you have a finished manuscript, we can help you polish it to ready it for publication. When it is ready for direct publication as an e-book, print, or audio book, we can help you make the book available for sale online. If you need assistance in formatting, cover design, preparation of product description/blurb, choice of genre categories and keywords, pricing and marketing/promotion strategies, we can guide you through the process.
For writers who want to try the traditional route of publication by finding an agent and/or major New York publisher of print books, our coaching and editing services are available. In addition to editing and proofreading, we can help you prepare a query, synopsis, sample chapters and a publication proposal. For writers with the stomach for rejection and willingness to delay publication for months (years in some cases), trying the route of traditional publishing makes sense. If it doesn't work out, direct publishing is an alternative.
The first step is feeling in your guts that you have something that needs to be written. Whether you want it published or just want it polished for private reading among family and friends, we can help.
Coaching is $60/hour depending on complexity and ability to pay, or as otherwise agreed. E-mail: jeffrasley@gmail.com to arrange an initial consultation.
If you would like to join Alicia's email list to receive free writing tips and in-depth articles about improving your craft as an author, sign up through http://bit.ly/AliciaRasleyStory
Notes from a few coaching/editing clients:
Thank you for conducting an excellent workshop on Saturday. I'm encouraged and am more in tune with the point and purpose of my memoir and have more options of how to write it. Thank you for opening the door to me so
I can scurry down the road a bit further on this road of being a writer. SJ
Hi Jeff - Just a short note to tell you again what a great job you are doing. Looking forward to continuing to work with you. I’ve never been able to write a manuscript this rapidly. Thank you. John
Once again Jeff I think what you’ve done is excellent. I can see I need to improve how I have my characters conversing and interacting with others. I’m pleased you feel I am a good story teller. I just need some coaching and more experience writing. I really like doing it and this book is going well. I appreciate your help and expertise. JG
A Video
interview of Jeff on Press Play Lifestyle Inspired
Podcast, in which he talks about writing process and how
writing coaches and personal editors work with novice
and experienced authors:
Midsummer Books Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/JeffRasleyAndMidsummerBooks
Alicia's Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Alicia-Rasley/e/B000APL7HA
Jeff's Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Jeff-Rasley/e/B004Q3D6B2
A few of Jeff's books: